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Ali A. Ghweil

South Valley University, Egypt

Title: Liver stiffness predicts relapse after direct acting antiviral therapy against chronic hepatitis C virus infection


Biography: Ali A. Ghweil


Background: Assessment of fibrosis in chronic hepatitis has always been considered of utmost relevance for patient care in clinical hepatology. Over the last decade, several non-invasive methods were proposed for diagnosis of liver fibrosis, including the elastometric measurement of hepatic stiffness, group of clinical and biochemical parameters and combinations of both methods. It has been suggested that elastography and serum markers are useful techniques for diagnosing severe fibrosis and cirrhosis and for excluding significant fibrosis in hepatitis C virus patients. In addition, hepatic stiffness may also help to prognosticate treatment response to antiviral therapy.

Aim: To evaluate changes of transient elastography values as well as serum fibronectin and AST to Platelet Ratio Index in patients (APRI) treated with Sofosbuvir-based treatment regimen.

Methods: This is a follow-up study including 100 chronic HCV Egyptian patients treated with Sofosbuvir-based treatment regimen. Transient elastography values were recorded as well as serum fibronectin and APRI were calculated at baseline and SVR12.

Results: There was a significant improvement of platelets counts, ALT and AST levels, which in turn cause significant improvement in APRI scores at SVR12. Liver stiffness measurements were significantly lower at SVR12 (15.40±8.96 vs. 8.82±4.74 kPa, P=0.000). There was significant decline in serum fibronectin from baseline to SVR 12 (524.14±237.61 vs. 287.48±137.67, P=0.000).