Call for Abstract

9th International Conference on Rare Diseases, will be organized around the theme “”

WORLD RARE DISEASES 2025 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in WORLD RARE DISEASES 2025

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The sickness that only affects a small fraction of the population is referred to as a rare disease. The majority of rare diseases are inherited, meaning they are present for the entirety of the patient's life and may not always show symptoms right away. About 30% of children with uncommon disorders die before turning five, and many rare diseases manifest early in life. Rare diseases can sometimes be persistent and uncurable. A temporary medical condition is included in the category of rare diseases. Lack of ribose-5-phosphate isomerase is the root cause of the rarest genetic disorder currently recognised. viral or bacterial infections

  • Allergies
  • Chromosome disorders affecting any body organ

Orphan pharmaceuticals are prescription medications used to treat rare illnesses or disorders that are meant to be treated, prevented from occurring, or diagnosed. They are referred to as "orphan medications" due to the small size of their market. A illness is considered an orphan if it affects fewer than 200,000 persons nationally. The majority of orphan diseases have a genetic basis. Orphan diseases are rare and could impact one in every 15 people worldwide.


Bacteria, viruses, fungus, or parasites are the main causes of infectious disorders. Our bodies are home to a variety of creatures. They are often unharmful or occasionally beneficial. However, in some instances, some organisms can lead to sickness. An infectious disease is often referred to as a communicable or transmissible disease that is brought on by an infection. Contagious diseases are infectious diseases that can spread quickly through contact with an infected person.

  • Acanthamoeba keratitis.
  • Scarlet fever


Rare genetic disorders are brought on by one or more chromosomal abnormalities. It might result from gene mutations in one or more genes. Genetic illnesses, however, have no recognised therapies. While some genetic abnormalities cause physical symptoms like muscular dystrophy, others affect developmental stages like Down syndrome. Genetic illnesses come in a vast variety, and each disorder has a different diagnosis. When a patient receives a treatment called "gene therapy," a healthy gene is given to them. This ought to lessen the genetic flaw or delay the onset of the disease.


Pediatric rare illnesses are rare diseases that afflict children; the aetiology of paediatric diseases might vary from one another. Congenital heart defects, Schnitzler syndrome, Eisenmenger syndrome, agammaglobulinemia, paediatric severe combined immunodeficiency, and Kawasaki illness are a few examples of rare paediatric ailments.

  • Pediatric bruton agammaglobulinemia.
  • Pediatric severe combined immunodeficiency

The area of medicine that deals with skin issues is called dermatology. It has both surgical and medical components. Infections, heat, allergies, systemic diseases, and drugs are just a few of the factors that can cause dermatological diseases, which range from mild skin rashes to severe skin infections. uncommon skin conditions include

  • Inverse psoriasis
  • Harlequin ichthyosis


Haematology is the area of medicine that focuses on understanding the origins, prognosis, and management of blood-related illnesses. Haematological diseases are illnesses or conditions that primarily affect the blood and organs that produce blood. These illnesses or conditions include rare hereditary disorders and side effects from chemotherapy or blood transfusions. among the uncommon hemological conditions

The majority of rare diseases are genetically based. Rare cancers are primarily acquired diseases in individuals. Cancer is the multiplication of cells that results in the growth of a cancerous tumour. There are many different cancers, and a few of the rare cancer disorders include


Progeria is a genetic illness that is incredibly rare and has symptoms that resemble ageing. Progeria patients often live from their mid-teens to early 20s. It is a genetic disorder that develops as a result of a novel mutation and is frequently inherited. Progeria is a term used to refer to all illnesses with signs of accelerated ageing. The early symptoms could include

The majority of brain disorders are caused by changes to brain structure or function. This is primarily brought on by an infection, a tumour, a stroke, memory loss, a change in personality, and seizures. The rare degenerative brain ailment Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is characterised by the emergence of rapidly progressing neurological and neuromuscular symptoms. Affected individuals may experience disorientation, sadness, behavioural changes, poor vision, and/or impaired coordination after the onset of symptoms. As the condition worsens, vascular dementia develops, which causes confusion and disorientation. In advanced stages of the illness, there may be further loss of physical and mental abilities, including unconsciousness and respiratory infections like pneumonia.

Endocrinology, the study of the endocrine system, which regulates hormones, is related to the endocrine system. Rare metabolic illnesses are mostly brought on by hormonal imbalances within the endocrine system. Surgery and medications to treat the problems are used in the treatment of rare endocrine abnormalities, which have specific symptoms that are apparent in each individual. Various therapy approaches and adjudications may change based on the condition. For many uncommon endocrine illnesses, there is typically no approved treatment. Treatment frequently focuses on particular symptoms.

  • Acromegaly
  • Addison's disease

The GI tract, comprising the colon and rectum, is affected by disorders referred to as gastrointestinal. Menetrier disease, one of the rare disorders, is characterised by a significant overgrowth of mucous cells in the mucous membrane lining the stomach, leading to pronounced gastric folds. Upper middle part of the stomach ache is one of the signs of Menetrier sickness. Menetrier sickness doesn't have a known aetiology. In Menetrier illness, there will be little to no stomach inflammation. Less common signs include

  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Weight reduction and loss of appetite may also occur

The immune system is a group of bodily organs and systems that serve as a defence against sickness and external objects. Immunological system malfunction results in immune diseases. The immune system distinguishes between the body's own healthy tissue and a variety of threats, such as viruses, bacteria, and parasites, when it is functioning properly. Immune conditions known as allergic illnesses include allergic rhinitis, asthma, and eczema. uncommon immunological conditions include:

Rare autoimmune diseases destroy healthy cells and have an impact on the immune system. Any body part might be affected by an autoimmune illness, which is a condition caused by an improper immune reaction to a normal body part. Autoantibodies, which are proteins released by the immune system, attack healthy cells. Low-grade fever, feeling worn out, weariness, skin infections, and edoema are typical symptoms. Sometimes, symptoms may come and go. Remission refers to the time frame during which symptoms disappear.


There are 7,000 or more uncommon diseases. These rare diseases typically have a hereditary foundation, commonly strike patients as children, are progressive, and frequently pose a serious threat to life. Children who are afflicted with these disorders may have psychological effects from these traits that are quite damaging. Research and development must focus on how individuals with rare diseases' distinctive traits affect clinical development and how those processes interact with regulatory procedures. The fact that the pathophysiology of diseases is still largely unknown presents a basic obstacle in the development of drugs for rare diseases. In addition to these difficulties, the majority of uncommon diseases have no treatments.

  • Patient attrition
  • Interface between clinical development and the regulatory process
  • Less knowledge on pathophysiology of disease

Clinical researchers working on rare diseases frequently encounter difficulties unique to the study of uncommon disorders. Rare diseases can offer unique possibilities to examine human physiology and biomedical science. An estimated 25–30 million persons (8–12% of the population) are thought to have one of the roughly 7000 rare diseases that affect this community. The Orphan Drug Act was passed in 1983 with the goal of encouraging the development of medications to treat, prevent, or diagnose uncommon diseases or ailments that afflict fewer than 200,000 people. Over the past two decades, there has been a significant change in both the scientific technique and the logistics of clinical research for rare diseases. The pathogenesis of the disease is now more understood, and numerous innovative treatments have been created.

  • Orphan products clinical Trials Grants Program
  • Rexin G
  • Biomedical

As 80% of rare diseases are caused by a single gene and gene therapy has the capacity to heal cardinal genetic flaws, it makes sense to employ it to treat rare genetic disorders. Gene therapy can restore a single gene defect by introducing a "right" gene. A single dose may also be necessary for successful gene therapy to provide improvements that last a lifetime. Another method for treating uncommon disorders that uses RNA-based drug delivery is antisense therapies. The alternative method for treating rare disorders is called cell therapy, in which the patient receives an injection of live cells that have therapeutic effects.

Over 30 million people are affected by over 6000 different rare diseases, which have all been recognised to far. Due to their complexity, uncommon diseases have few treatment options and few treatments available. Living with a rare disease is a continual learning process for patients and families because many rare diseases have no known cure. Rare diseases, which are frequently chronic, life-threatening, and disabling, have significant negative effects on the entire family. Even though the disease names and symptoms may vary, rare diseases have a significant impact on patients' and families' daily lives.

  • Find a diagnosis
  • Access the treatment

Almost 2-4% of people have a rare disease. Children between the ages of 3 and 5 are the most affected. Whole genome sequencing is a promising alternative for the management of rare diseases because it can provide a mystery diagnosis for many conditions. This is because 80% of rare diseases are genetic in origin. Genome sequencing has a diagnosis rate of 62.5% and can be utilised for research into rare and undiagnosed diseases to identify causal variants of inherited disorders.

  • Mystery illness program
  • Rarity of the condition or disease

Research on rare diseases has reached a turning point. Diagnoses for the diseases were possible, new therapies were successfully developed and approved, and gains in life expectancy and quality of life were made. Patients with uncommon diseases may still expect to wait a lengthy period in the medical system before receiving a precise diagnosis. As many patients still lack a good diagnosis and are without effective treatments, research into rare infectious diseases is essential. Expertise in this field is particularly scarce. Furthermore, study in this field is extremely important from a scientific perspective because uncommon diseases serve as models for more widespread ailments and are major propellants of diagnostic innovation.