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Debbie Hellenbrand

Patient advocate, Netherlands

Title: Video Presentation: Listening, loving and helping each other, Love your life


Biography: Debbie Hellenbrand


Own your gift of life! There is no simple solution for living with a rare disease, there are no simple technology’s to make life better instantly. We can only work hard and have hope for a better future. In the meantime there are things you can do as a patient, a doctor, caregiver or anybody else that wants to help or is in your life. You can listen, sometimes it is just the only thing you can do, open your heart and just listen. Be understanding, do not judge, just help and love. Living with a rare disease mostly brings an alone feeling with it, a feeling that the whole world does not care. Keep your faith and keep your strength, because you are not alone, you have lots of people living by your side, they only need to open there eyes so they can see that people with a rare disease are just like them. People with a rare disease only have received a different “lifeplan”. This lifeplan brought them on a different path, but we all want the same, we all want to be heard, so if you think about it we are not as different as you think. Think about it, we all have one thing in common; we all have a birthday, the day that our soul entered the world and gave you the gift of life. Everybody received that gift, so honor that gift, love life, no matter what. Do not let your rare disease become you, but be yourself and work with it.